HOW WILL INFLATION END? The Current Set of Monetary and Fiscal Policies Are Suicidal
Governments are to blame for runaway inflation. Private money may be the solution.
THE Global Monetary Disaster
We are in the early stages of a global money meltdown. The money meltdown, mainly stemming from governments spending and borrowing irresponsibly, has been underway for some time.
The commodity currency revolution
The ending of the financially based system is being hastened by geopolitical developments.
A Reduction In Aluminum Tariffs
By Dr. Bart S. Fisher, General Counsel of Luminium Coin The contentious political argument over Section 232 aluminum tariffs has taken a new turn. The United States announced on March 24th, 2022, that it will replace its Section 232 tariffs on aluminum from the United Kingdom (UK) with tariff-rate quotas that will change the “historically-based sustainable volume of 21.6 thousand […]
THE POST-COVID RISE OF ALUMINUM: A Tale of Unintended Consequences
The price of aluminum will likely remain high because of continued increases in energy and transportation costs.
THE CURSE OF INFLATION: Reduce Government Spending and Monetary Growth
This past week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that consumer prices rose by 7% during this past year, the highest in 40 years.