THE CURSE OF INFLATION: Reduce Government Spending and Monetary Growth

This past week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that consumer prices rose by 7% during this past year, the highest in 40 years.
How Big Government Is Creating Inflation

There have been several academic studies over the last half-century to determine the optimum size of government.
Feature: view our aluminum inventories.

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The Case for Aluminum

How can you protect your assets in an uncertain world? No one can know for certain when the next war will break out.
Bitcoin and The Importance of Perception

Bitcoin has made it. Everyone knows what it is. Not many people know how it works. But they know it exists.
Is Luminium Coin a security?

To qualify as a “security” also known as an “investment contract” Luminium Coin would need to qualify for the 4 criteria of the Howey Test. Established the Supreme Court, an investment contract constitutes the following: 1. An investment of money 2. In a common enterprise 3. With the expectation of profit 4. To be derived […]